FDA guidelines for cosmetics in the US

FDA guidelines for cosmetics in the US

Are FDA guidelines in the USA leaving us exposed to potential dangers?

Over 80 nations have stricter cosmetic safety rules than the U.S

Source: UK, EU, ASIA, MERCOSUR, Japan, Australia, South Korea, Canada, India, Ukraine, GCC, Turkey, China, EAEU, Taiwan, Iceland, Norway, CAN, Mexico, RTC, Algeria, Morocco, Ethiopia, Serbia, New Zealand, Sri Lanka, Albania, and the Falkland Islands.

Many toxic chemicals and contaminants are banned around the globe but are still permitted by the FDA in the United States. 

When applying makeup, skincare, or personal care products, the last thing you’d expect is that your health might be at risk. However, many of these products contain chemicals known as carcinogens. Carcinogens are substances that can potentially cause cancer through their interaction with a person’s DNA.

As the founder and owner of a skincare and cosmetic company, I find it very frustrating that the US FDA does not regulate the ingredients in cosmetics and personal care products as they should. Therefore, leaving me the responsibility of ensuring that the products I produce are safe for use. I research ingredients and products thoroughly before they are released. I comply with all FDA regulations and safety standards for ingredients, but I need more than that for TM Skincare and Cosmetics. We continue to comply with standards in countries much stricter than the US.